...to be behind on a lot of things. Between Christmas shopping, parties, last minute client Christmas gifts, and more, I have been very neglectful of my blog!! So for those who check regularly, I apologize you haven't had anything new to read! And for those who don't really read that regularly, well, then ignore this post :) I will be posting my latest wedding, James and Caitlin, soon, so definitely be on the lookout for that! And to the Stoffers, I do love you guys and I'm not forgetting about you!!
Anywho, back to my favorite season! Tonight, Matthew took me to "A Christmas Carol" at the Playhouse in the Park. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, and have never attended this local attraction! What a travesty! :) And it got me thinking, what else does Cincinnati have to offer that I'm not taking advantage of? My new years resolution: Make and accomplish a to-do list of Cincinnati must dos....I even attended my first Bengals game ever this month! Man, I'm behind! But anyways, back to the play...it was fantastic!! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! They do such a great job and the guy who played Scrooge was amazing! It definitely makes a great date night, in case you all are interested....
With the Christmas season comes Christmas decorations. I must say that they make me very happy. Lights on the homes, Christmas trees, Nativities, the whole nine yards. I just love this season! My husband was gracious and loving enough to put up lights on our house, which I must say he did a fantastic job! And he allowed me to put white lights on the Christmas tree, rather than color ones, which I will eventually cave and let him do one year. Our house is finally starting to feel like a home with all the Christmas decorations, adding curtains which mom so graciously made for us, and our new kitchen table and chairs! I love it!
But with all the fun and beauty of Christmas, we cannot forget what this season is really about. It is about the birth of Christ our Lord. It is about the grace of God being poured out onto mankind by sending his Son to this earth to save us sinners. Let us not take for granted our nativity sets that we have around the house and make that the focus, not our Christmas tree or the presents under, or the lights on the house, or the cooking. Let us remember the day that God became man and dwelt among us, to be a Savior for us all.