
The Dark Knight

Ok, so I don't typically post too many things like this, but this movie deserves a post. Matthew and I went to go see The Dark Knight the day it opened, nervous it wouldn't live up to the hype. Yeah, it exceeded the hype. It was FANTASTIC! Heath Ledger did a superb job in playing the Joker, a role he was meant to play. It's just a shame that we are finally seeing his potential in acting and we won't have the pleasure of seeing him continue his career. Although, I've always thought he was a good actor - ever since 10 Things I Hate About You - but this movie is far from 10 Things.

And let's not forget about Christian Bale, the best actor to ever play Batman. I almost feel bad for the guy since Heath is getting all the attention on this movie (although deservedly so). The Batman movies have come a long way, away from the comic book feel they once had. This movie was so good that Matthew and I almost went back on Sunday to see it again! (Something we would never do considering we put ourselves on a movie budget) :)

Matthew has a great post on his review of the movie which fits my review, so instead of writing that out, I'm just going to let you go read it for yourself! So go read it - http://chosenforgrace.blogspot.com/2008/07/dark-knight.html

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