
Anna's "Trash the Belly" Shoot

You all have heard of a "Trash the Dress" shoot where you take pictures trashing your wedding dress.....well, this is a "Trash the Belly" shoot....

My sister, Anna, is due any day now with her third child. We, of course, had to do some maternity shots before this baby arrives. Her idea (and yes, it was hers - I'm so proud of her creativity!) was to let Baron (3) and Malea (1.5) paint her belly. Not only was it a fun project/craft for the kids, but it was hysterical to watch. I'm pretty sure this shoot convinced Cole (baby on the way) to stay inside his momma's belly a little longer - I'd be terrified to come out, too, after that!

"B" is for Baron, Bogan, or Baby - whichever you prefer....

Just like Mommy...

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