
The Social Network Revolution

So my husband informed me the other day that I need to post more stuff on my blog. He is an excellent blogger, so I have a lot to learn from him. Now my blog is used for a different purpose - my business - but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with it as well! So hopefully you will see a change coming in the next few months of more posts about fun stuff I discover, personal stuff in my life, and of course, more Seth. :) I will do my best to stay true to my promise, because typically, when I'm on the computer, I'm having to spend my time editing and not doing as much personal stuff. I need to make more time for that.
So for starters, I wanted to share this video that my husband posted on his blog that I found fascinating. As a member of Facebook and Twitter, as well as a user of YouTube, Wikipedia, an iPhone, etc, I'm very much a part of this revolution. It kind of makes my head spin, though, thinking about all of this! I'm almost a little nervous about what it's going to be like when Seth is my age! Crazy!

1 comment:

Matthew said...

There you go...

And thanks for the compliment on my blog. You almost make me sound official or something. I thought this was such an interesting video, though. Marketing will never be the same. Neither will attention spans...