
Day Two

Day 2 was a success. We met up with 6 other guys from Matthew's MBA program that are also in Shanghai to do a little (or a lot) of walking around the city. We left around 10 am and headed out into the great unknown that is Shanghai. The more we walked, the more we realized how giant this city is and just how many tall buildings there are. The best way I can describe it is a city like New York in land mass, but very very vertical. All the buildings are at least 20 stories tall, nothing shorter.

We started out on streets that smelled like what I don't want to even think about, and made our way to a much more populated and expensive area. Yeah, let's just say that this trip to China isn't nearly as cheap as my first time around in Kunming. We stopped at a Starbucks to get a cold beverage after passing a bunch of McDonald's and KFC's. Fine Chinese cuisine.

One of the guys got enticed by a street vendor who said he had North Face. So we followed this little man to a back alley, into a run down building, through a warehouse, and up some tiny stairs we didn't think could hold us, to a little room filled with "Rolex" watches, "Oakley" sunglasses, and "Northface" Jackets. Matthew ended up with a pair of Oakley's, Michael a pair of "Raybans", Jaime a "Gucci" purse, and David a "NorthFace" jacket. So thankfully this sketchy trip to the alley turned into a successful shopping experience.

We then made our way into the People's Square where there were a bunch of jewelry vendors selling plastic jewelry on the ground. Each set of jewelry looked exactly the same, and these vendors were inches from each other. I wonder how business is for them and how they compete with each other. Fascinating.

We had lunch at a little restaurant for our first official authentic Chinese meal. Matthew and I shared a bowl of rice and pork (more fat than pork), while others had meals ranging from crab meat to squid to eel. Quite delectable.

We made our way to the shopping mecca of Shanghai, which had tons of little shops and restaurants and lots of Haagen Daas. Us ladies happened upon Pearl City, which had more pearls than we knew what to do with. We plan on making that a day trip in itself to pick out the perfect pearl jewelry. Ladies, let me know what you want (necklace, bracelet, earrings, fresh water pearls, saltwater, etc) and we can get it for ya! I'm very excited about that little shopping adventure.

We then traveled further down to the river, took a few pictures, said our goodbyes to the other guys, who went their own way. We took an interesting trip to Carrefour, the Walmart of Asia, to get some stuff for the apartment. It was crazy busy and we found some interesting finds, such as cow tongue, whole chickens (feet, head, and everything), and an interesting "condiment" (see picture below).

After a very long day of walking around, we were pooped and headed back to the ol' homestead where we made a gourmet meal of mac & cheese, ritz & peanut butter, and granola bars. We were in bed by 9:30. All in all, a good day. (P.S. Cankles are gone and feet have returned to normal size)

Here are some pictures of the day: (you can see more at Matthew's Blog)

Walking through Shanghai

The large shopping "mecca"

Where we had lunch....I've decided that I'm on the chopstick diet. Although I'm pretty good at the chopsticks, you still eat less and very slowly, so you get full really quickly. Hey, whatever works.

One of the many jewelry vendors. Also notice "the squat," a very popular sitting position in China.

The Chinese "dryer"

The whole gang (minus me of course)

I'm a wedding photographer....it's what I do...

LOVE the umbrellas...
the Pearl Tower....

How the Chinese get their news....
Jon trying to figure out where we need to go...

Emily is now famous in China. She was being nice by asking this group if she could take their picture for them, but instead ended up being IN the picture. They took a group shot, and a bunch of individual shots with her.
The chaosness of people in Shanghai....
More building...
Crazy American tourists (no, they were not with us)

Our gourmet meal of mac & cheese. Notice the nice presentation of ritz crackers and the assortment of granola bars. We are living it up.
I just thought it was funny it said "Watch the car". We all got a little high from the fumes in the garage below Carrefour waiting for a taxi cab. While in line for the taxi, we ran into an American couple that we met in the airport when we first arrived (they too had luggage missing and was later found when someone returned it after thinking it belonged to them - same situation as me). We've seen them 2x since the airport. What are the chances that in a city of 17 million people, we manage to see the same couple 3x??
The guys questioning some of the food in the Chinese Walmart.
the food in question...."Condiment. Small fat sheep chafing dish subsidiary ingredient." Yes, that's what it said....
A little note inside a taxi, "Don't forget your belongings"...this was for Matthew...hold on to our passports!! (side note, we did get those back, praise the Lord)
Our apartment building...we're on the 24th floor....
24th floor = executive floor...yeah, we're kind of a big deal here in China...