
Some updates are a comin'!

So you've been checking out my website, and have been a little bored with what you are seeing? Or I shot your wedding in 2009, and you have yet to find yourself on my site? Well, have patience, because I will be updating my website soon!! I was totally blessed to have a jam packed year of weddings and portraits, not to mention a small life change of having a baby. My excuses are poor, I know, but I'm sticking to 'em. I am well aware that things have not changed on my site for quite some time, and like you, I want to see some updates! (Can I just wave a magic wand and it's done?) My goal is to have things updated before March 22 (the due date of baby #2). Then after that, who knows, maybe things won't get updated for TWO years because I'll have TWO kids to chase after..... Guess I gotta start thinking of my excuses now.... :)

Thanks for your patience!!

1 comment:

Kenny and Jenn Sinclair said...

Maybe baby #2 will be arrive on my birthday, March 24th! It's a perfectly nice day to be born :) As for updating, don't worry...as long as you update Abigail and Jon's engagement and wedding photos, I won't complain ;)